Last summer, the news about a police unit who arrested 11 Chinese poachers for poaching and butchering more than 500 giant sea turtles or pawikan reverberated across the globe.
The news opened our eyes as to the extent of abuse of environment by these foreign fishermen in our very own background.
However, sadly, little to none is known about this unit who performed the daring arrest which eventually dragged our foreign affairs department in a diplomatic wrestle.
The Special Boat Unit (Later re-organized and renamed Maritime Special Operations Unit or MSOU) of the PNP-Maritime Group acquired several of these customized RHIBs thru a government donation of the US.
Here is the video of these boats in action:
The RHIBs or Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats are capable of being driven hard and fast which is essential in pursuit operations or getting to somewhere smartly. However not all RHIBs are equal and through the years, it has been noted that substantial injuries and fatigue have occurred to the operators of poorly designed RHIBs. In some cases slamming forces of up to 12Gs have been recorded on some RHIBs and 5Gs can be quite common. RHIBs can be quite exhilarating to drive in testing conditions.
Naiad’s extreme focus on RHIB hull design has provided a technological advantage by being able to use knowledge gained to provide highly focused, softer riding hull shapes. Combining this with technologically advanced shock mitigating seat design will provide the best solution for higher speeds in rougher water with less potential for injury or fatigue.
The PGB and its crew on final assault posture.
Careful consideration of the hull design has made it easier to approach vessels for boarding. The ability to track cleanly through wakes and maneuver with confidence makes boarding other vessels easier, predictable and safer. While most RHIBs are equipped with air-filled buoyancy tubes that provide better cushioning, there are still some major circumstances that require an absolute puncture proof solution. Naiad offered a PU coated closed cell resilient foam and then covered with a removable outer skin over foam.
Naiad’s removable tube system future proofs the boats and as new technologies are developed these can be retrofitted to the boats extending their useful life.
Four years ago, Naiad Newport supplied 10 patrol boats to the US government which were part of a program to assist the Philippines and Malaysia with patrolling their waters.
The Naiad-made Patrol Gun Boat of the PNP’s Special Boat Unit (SBU).
The Naiad’s are our standard 10m patrol boat design with a specially designed walk around the cabin. They are fitted with twin 250Hp outboards, foam fenders, full electronic package and shock mitigating seats. These patrol Naiad’s are very fast, highly maneuverable and great care is taken to reduce driver fatigue, making them excellent for long patrols or pursuit activities. The 10m Patrol is a popular vessel for military, police and coastguard activities is the US, Australia, Indonesia and the Philippines.
The Philippine National Police’s SPECIAL BOAT UNIT (SBU) under the Maritime Group is currently operating six (6) of these PGBs acquired thru a donation by the US government to enhance the Southeast Asia Maritime security initiative.
The PGBs performing an interdiction SIMEX of a hostile boat.
The multi-award winning Naiad 10m design packs a punch with an extremely strong and fast hull. The cabin/layout is customised to client requirements making a perfect match.
- Stepped hull
- Capacity for twin high power outboards
- Front well deck option
- Open or enclosed cabin
The Naiad 10m Patrol is the ideal fast response vessel. It is large enough to handle rough conditions but still small enough, with air-filled fenders, to come alongside other craft without damage. |
The 23 deg deadrise coupled with the fine entry gives a soft and forgiving ride. The pontoons also act as a shock absorber to reduce crew fatigue. The stepped hull increases efficiency, adds stability in tight turns, reduces the pre-planning hump and softens the ride.
The cabin can be open or fully enclosed and provides ideal shelter for the crew. There is plenty of storage for gear and/or safety equipment. Large windows provide excellent all-around visibility. Bunks, medical, galley and toilet facilities can be fitted to meet customer requirements.