According to our law, there are 3 requirements, namely:
- Unlawful Aggression on the part of the attacker;
- Reasonable necessity of the means employed to prevent or repel the said unlawful aggression; and
- Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the person defending himself.
Meaning, when someone attacked you and all 3 requirements were satisfied, you can kill the attacker.
Just remember that this provision of the law will only apply when:
a. You did not provoke nor start the fight or dispute;
b. You tried to avoid but the attacker persisted and followed you;
c. You did not purposely go to the place just to have that fight;
d. It was necessary for you to kill the attacker, or else, you will be in danger or will get killed.
Reference: Revised Penal Code Art. 11. Justifying circumstances. (Philippines)
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