The main characters in this drama and their attributes can be seen in our society. The mayor is an idealistic politician, who is aiming to change the ‘old ways’, is hounded by his past and he is not an ally of the incumbent governor. We saw a lot of bureaucracy and political dirty tactics, especially from the governor. Even the police chief is represented in a manner that shows political patronage of the supposed non-partisan police officers. The municipal office employees’ attitude towards work as shown in the first episode is very evident in us. There are government workers who don’t value the job, doesn’t observe work ethics and are corruptible.
The mayor is an imaginary ideal politician that we all dream about. While I personally haven’t met one, I do believe that a politician just like him still exists in this world. His principles and simplicity is something we can not simply find immediately. Then his incorruptible character is something that must be emulated by others, not only politicians but government officials and employees in general. We need more of him in our society. That is what really needs right now.
The problem with us today is that we don’t see the underlying problem that comes along with corruption. Some dismiss it as “as long as there is something to get from the politician.” Remember how the illegal logging is done in the forests of their province was being laughed at and dismissed because it “doesn’t hurt anyone”? well, when the flash floods came, it affected a lot of ordinary folks.
In the end, while this docu-drama talked about corruption and bureaucracy, it is still about us, what we can do in our own little ways, and what do we want from our leaders. These politicians are our leaders. We elected them.
It boils down to this question: If we will allow them to lead our nation into self-destruction, then, are we also to blame for the worse that may come?
The video is below.
Author’s note: For the next few months, I’ll be posting a series of random essays and opinion pieces I made on schooling which I am currently taking up.